Humibox liquid organic fertilizers are high-quality fertilizers developed and manufactured in Spain. They have been used widely in Malaysia for 20 years.
- Contains organic matter that are rich in humic and fulvic acids which are beneficial to the plant without causing possible negative effects such as toxicity and nitrogen starvation
- Besides selected major nutrients, micronutrients also included
- Directly supplies nutrients
- Acts as a soil conditioner
- Specially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of different types of plants and stages of plant growth
How to use:
- Drenching onto the soil
- Foliar spray
- Fertigation
Humibox sphagnum peat is a natural, organic soil conditioner and growing medium for agriculture and horticulture. It is derived from sphagnum moss through a long process of decomposition and compaction. Humibox sphagnum peat is widely used to obtain optimal germination and as a growing medium for turf, ornamentals, and vegetables. It is available as BX1 media, Peltracom, and Latagro.
- Homogenous composition
- Good structural composition
- High water and air capacity
- Low salt content
- Easy to transport and apply
- Free from contaminants such as pathogens, insects and weed seeds
- Safe to humans and the environment
- Improves soil structure to encourage a healthy root system
- Enhances ability of soil to hold mineral nutrients